Monday, 29 August 2011


After arriving at midnight and finding a space on the floor to crash, we got up early as the kids were excited and started unpacking boxes. Before we knew it, it was 5pm and as the sun was still shining we sent the kids out to play in the little park a 1 minute walk away.
It's a sign of being in Prague we've gotta start leaving them on their own, no 'helicopter' parenting in sight here! Although we're not quite there yet and had to keep surreptitiously checking up on them. But husband mistakenly sent son out with his new skateboard so the inevitable happened and we had tears at the door and a bloody knee and elbow.
I duly patched him up and with some TLC but suddenly son announced that 'he couldn't hear', 'everything has gone dark' and he wanted to sleep. So I panicked and with a wilting boy in my arms we made a run to the emergency thinking that he had somehow hit his head. Great - we were in Prague less that 24 hours and already had to visit the hospital.
Luckily it was all fine - we only had to wait 5 minutes to see the Pediatrician who was extremely thorough and we even left with present (kids magazine) all for the princely sum of £3...Wow can you imagine that in the UK?
We celebrated by going out for dinner at Polly's our local restaurant and decided that it was a good exercise and we know where to go in case of emergency!

We've definitely brought too much stuff from the UK....THERE IS NO WHERE TO PUT IT ALL.
Luckily we have the basement to dump our stuff but eventually we'll have to sort that space out too so the kids can have somewhere to stay.

First priority though - kids bunkbeds built and up and the guineas back in their cage, even though they are surrounded by towering boxes that need to be unpacked.

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